Ma tātou katoa a Matariki - Matariki belongs to all of us.
With deep spiritual roots, the tikanga of Matariki is much more than astronomy, agriculture and weather predictions. The tikanga of Matariki is a time for whānau. The festival’s connection to the stars provides an opportunity for families to remember their whakapapa (genealogy) and those ancestors who have passed away. Matariki unifies us as one human family. It is both a time for thanksgiving and a time for renewal. Clearly this new year in Māori culture has strong links with the sacramental nature of our faith.
In the spirit of Matariki let’s celebrate this holiday for all that unites us here: Build stronger partnerships with your local mana whenua, reconnect with old friends and make new ones and with a deep gratitude and respect for the gifts of creation. Reflect on your place in the world and set new goals. It belongs to all of us.
"Praised be You my Lord, through Sister Moon and the stars,
In heaven you formed them clear and precious and beautiful.”
From the Canticle of Creation by St Francis of Assisi.
The new light of Matariki has risen!
May it be to you a sign of resurrection and new life.
May it be to you a sign of hope in times of darkness.
May it be to you a sign of the wondrous mystery of Atua who loves you.
May it be to you a sign that the eyes of the Eternal One are ever upon you and that the presence of the Holy One is ever with you. And may this be the cause of your rejoicing.
Go in peace.
Through Christ and in the perfect unity of the Holy Spirit, we pray.
For more resources like this go to A Catholic Ritual Prayer which has been prepared by Judith Courtney and Manuel Beazley from the Liturgy Centre in Auckland. You can download it HERE

The Pleiades star cluster
“I never thought we could pollute space but we are doing that. More than 50% the world’s population cant see the night’s sky, and that’s an indictment on what we are doing not only to the planet but what we are doing to ourselves as creatures. Hopefully Matariki brings that awareness out in us as well.” Professor Rangi Matamua.
Photo image on main slider from Science hub.