Welcome to the National Liturgy Office website of the Catholic Church in Aotearoa New Zealand O te Hāhi Katorika ki Aotearoa.
The National Liturgy Office - Te Tari ā Motu Mō Nga Ritenga, is designed for anyone seeking support in preparing for full, conscious and active participation in liturgy. The NLO promotes sound liturgical practice for a range of ministries, music, sacraments and Mass-Te Miha.
The position of the Director of the National Liturgy Office has been advertised and an appointment is pending.
Fr. John O'Connor remains the point of contact for National Liturgy Office matters.
Please email him directly on john@fff.org.nz
You can also find a wide variety of liturgical resources by searching this website.
Season of Creation
September 1 is World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation (22nd Sunday in Ordinary time.
Considering the Liturgy - Whakaarohia te Ritenga
Further resources will be added to this Section as they are completed.