Parish Music Ministers | Parihe Minita Pūoru

"The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value, greater even than that of any other art. The main reason for this preeminence is that, as sacred song closely bound to the text, it forms a necessary or integral part of the solemn liturgy."
Sacrosanctum Concilium, 112.

Music plays a central role in our Catholic worship. For us, liturgy and music go hand-in-hand. Beautiful, noble and simple music serves to enrich our liturgical celebrations and draws us ever more deeply into the Paschal Mystery, that is, the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
(He Puna Hīmene mō Aotearoa, Directory of Liturgical Music for Aotearoa New Zealand)

The Assembly | Te Whakaminenga

The primary minister of music is the assembly itself. Every member of the assembly is called to participate in the liturgy by the way of acclamations, responses, psalms, songs, etc. Therefore, the principal song of the liturgy is that which arises from the members of the assembly.

He Puna Hīmene mō Aotearoa Directory of Liturgical Music for Aotearoa New Zealand, 49

The liturgical musicians are first of all disciples, and only then are they ministers. Like other baptised members of the assembly, pastoral musicians need to hear the Gospel, experience conversion, profess faith in Christ, and so proclaim the praise of God. Thus, musicians who serve the Church at prayer are not merely employees or volunteers. They are ministers who share the faith, serve the community, and express the love of God and neighbour through music.

Sing to the Lord, 49.


Director of Music | Kaiarahi Pūoru

A competent director of music ministry works closely with the Parish Priest and members of the faith community. The directory of music will motivate, manage and support music personnel. The director, who must possess a good knowledge of music and the liturgy, is responsible for planning of music for all liturgical celebrations. The director of music will select appropriate choir music and motets to maintain a wide repertoire of music for use at special liturgies.

He Puna Hīmene mō Aotearoa Directory of Liturgical Music for Aotearoa New Zealand, 50.

Cantor | Kaiwaiata

"Be filled with the Spirit, as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts, giving thanks to God the Father at all times and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Ephesians 5:18-20

The principle role of the cantor is to enhance the proclamation of God's word by singing the psalms and leading the assembly's response in the acclamations of the liturgy.

He Puna Hīmene mō Aotearoa Directory of Liturgical Music for Aotearoa New Zealand, 51.

Choir | Koaea

Choirs are to support the full, conscious and active participation of the whole body of the faithful. Choirs exercise a distinct ministry within the liturgy and are therefore to be diligently promoted. Most often the choir provides leadership by supporting the song of the assembly.

Choirs present music from traditional and contemporary sources.

He Puna Hīmene mō Aotearoa Directory of Liturgical Music for Aotearoa New Zealand, 52.

Organists & Instrumentalists | Kaiwhakatangi Ōkena & Kaiwhakatangi Taputapu

The organist and other instrumentalists provide the primary support for the song of the assembly and the other music ministers. At particular moments of the liturgy, instrumentalists can add a note of festivity, lend dignity or create a meditative atmosphere for the people's prayer. Like all ministers of music, instrumentalists are not primarily performers, but rather servants of the Church's prayer.

He Puna Hīmene mō Aotearoa Directory of Liturgical Music for Aotearoa New Zealand, 53.

Presider | Tumuaki

The ordained or lay person who presides over the liturgy is also a minister of music. For example, when presiding over the Eucharist, the bishop or priest is encourage to sing some of the greetings, invitations, prayers (especially the Eucharistic prayer and blessings). During celebrations of the liturgy of the hours, the presider is encouraged to chant some of the texts provided.

He Puna Hīmene mō Aotearoa Directory of Liturgical Music for Aotearoa New Zealand, 54.

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