33rd Sunday in Ordinary time - World Day of the Poor
May this World Day of the Poor 2022 be for us a moment of grace. May it enable us to make a personal and communal examination of conscience and to ask ourselves whether the poverty of Jesus Christ is our faithful companion in life.
Pope Francis 2022
“Jesus Christ… for your sakes became poor” (cf. 2 Cor 8:9). With these words, the Apostle Paul addresses the first Christians of Corinth in order to encourage their efforts to show solidarity with their brothers and sisters in need. The World Day of the Poor comes this year as a healthy challenge, helping us to reflect on our style of life and on the many forms of poverty all around us."
Read Pope Francis complete letter HERE
View the Pope Video "For children who suffer." HERE
Mal 3:19-20 The sun of righteousness will shine on you.
Ps 97:5-9 R: The Lord comes to rule the earth with justice.
2 Thess 3:7-12 We were not idle when we were with you…
Alleluia, alleluia! Lift up your heads and see, your redemption is near at hand.
Lk 21: 5-19 Your endurance will win you your life.
Music suggestions
Psalm 34 The Cry of the poor HERE
The Cry of the Poor sung by St Louis Jesuits HERE
Blest are they (with lyrics on screen) HERE
The Beatitudes – Hillsong HERE
Make me a servant HERE
Homily notes
From a Christian and Catholic Social Teaching point of view both at home and abroad, it’s not just about supporting organizations that work to meet the immediate challenge of hunger or homelessness (Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand, St Vincent de Paul) we must also look at the systemic causes of poverty and exclusion. At the same time we must be prepared to be in solidarity with those who have less or have been excluded, to be with them as human beings through a smile, conversation, and nearness.
From notes by Msgr Gerard Burns. (See Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand.)
Homily Studio podcast
Listen to the Homily Studio for a conversation on this 33rd Sunday scripture readings and ideas linking to the World Day of the Poor. The podcast is available HERE.

May we use this day to make a personal and communal examination of conscience.