Day of Prayer for Refugees and Migrants

“The city yet to come is a 'city that has foundations, whose architect and builder is God.' (Heb 11:10). His plan calls for an intense work of construction, in which all of us must be personally involved.”

Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the 108th World Day of Migrants and Refugees.

Note that Aotearoa New Zealand celebrates this day at a different time from those in the Northern Hemisphere.

Read the full message HERE


Exodus 19:2-6    You will be a kingdom of priests, a consecrated nation.

Psalm 100: 1-2,3,5    We are his people; the sheep of his flock. 

Romans 5:6-11    We have been reconciled to God through the death of his Son; we are saved by his life. 

Alleluia alleluia! The kingdom of God is near; repent and believe the Good News. Alleluia.

Matthew 9:36-10:8   When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were distressed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is abundant, but the labourers are few. Therefore, ask the Lord of the harvest to send forth labourers for his harvest.”

Prayer from the Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the 108th World Day of Migrants and Refugees

Lord, make us bearers of hope,

so that where there is darkness,

your light may shine,

and where there is discouragement,

confidence in the future may be reborn.


Lord, make us instruments of your justice,

so that where there is exclusion, fraternity may flourish,

and where there is greed, a spirit of sharing may grow.


Lord, make us builders of your Kingdom,

together with migrants and refugees

and with all who dwell on the peripheries.


Lord, let us learn how beautiful it is

to live together as brothers and sisters.


Prayer of the faithful

On this Day of Prayer for Refugees and Migrants let us pray:

For the Rohingya people; those living in the camps in Cox’s Bazar, those embarking on dangerous sea crossings, those still living in Rakhine State in Myanmar. Give them safety and provision and freedom from persecution. Give them hope for the future. We pray together in hope: E te Ariki. 

R: Whakarongo mai rā kia mātou.

For the staff of Caritas Bangladesh and Catholic Relief Services Bangladesh. May you reignite their energy and bless them with a generous response enabling their good work to continue in the Rohingya communities living in Cox’s Bazar. We pray together in hope: E te Ariki. 

R: Whakarongo mai rā kia mātou.

Mindful that we are all builders of God’s city; accompany each of us as we welcome new migrants and refugees to Aotearoa. May their new communities generously offer an open invitation to share in building a secure future for all. We pray together in hope: E te Ariki. 

R: Whakarongo mai rā kia mātou.


Looking for more? 

Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand have supporting notes for liturgies and homily as a pdf HERE

For further supporting material visit the Caritas website