Jesus Christ, King of the Universe: 22 November
In 1969 St Pope Paul VI expanded the traditional feast of 'Christ the King' to 'King of the Universe.' This title establishes that God encompasses all of reality and not just our human reality. We say in the Creed that God is the creator of all things visible and invisible. Saint Thomas Aquinas taught that God is not the most perfect being inside of creation but Being itself. We celebrate this solemnity on the last Sunday of Ordinary time.
The window chosen on the main heading page, copied below depicts King David, Christ the Good Shepherd, & King Solomon. This stained glass window was created by A.L. Moore, 1910, Brinton, Norfolk, UK.
Consider the words of Psalm 23 (22) for this Solemnity.
Spend time reflecting on the the lines which, one after the other, build up a comforting sense of God's personal and protective love which conquers all.
The 23rd Psalm
The Lord is my shepherd – That's Relationship
I shall not want – That’s Plentiful
Fresh and green are the pastures where he gives me repose – That’s Rest
Near restful waters he leads me – That’s Refreshment
To revive my drooping spirit – That’s Healing
He guides me along the right path – That’s Guidance
He is true to his name – That’s Purpose
You have prepared a banquet for me In the sight of my foes - That’s Hope
My head you have anointed with oil – That’s Consecration
My cup is overflowing – That’s Abundance
Surely goodness and kindness shall follow me
All the days of my life – That’s Blessing
In the Lord's own house shall I dwell – That’s Security
For ever and ever – That’s Eternity!
A search on Youtube will provide several versions of 23rd Psalm - The Lord is my shepherd. Here are some different selections for you to choose from.
Words with congregational singing. HERE
I shall live in the presence of the Lord. Solo and choir HERE
The Lord is my shepherd by Brian Bonniwell - choir performance HERE
or Bonniwell version by male solo with guitar accompaniment HERE
or Bonniwell version by female solo with guitar accompaniment HERE
Today's Gospel (Matthew 25:31-46) recounts the parable which identifies the Son of Man as a King who holds court and passes life-and-death judgement.
These judgements are motivated by compassion for the needy. It raises questions for which we must search within ourselves and respond based on our present realities.
To download a Powerpoint presentation of the Gospel reading click HERE