The Nativity of the Lord
What has come into being in him was life,
life that was the light of all people;
and light shines in darkness,
and darkness could not overpower it...
The true light, that gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.
John 1: 4-5, 9
The Word – the true light – which enlightens us, illuminates aspects of ourselves we might not be aware of. Perhaps light is what we need right now more than anything else. Jesus is the Light of the World and we participate in that light when we spread true light to others, and there is no better time than when we celebrate the birth of our Lord.
From the dawn service ...
Psalm 96: 1, 6, 11-12. A light will shine on us this day; the Lord is born for us.
From the day service ...
Alleluia, alleluia! A holy day has dawned upon us. Come you nations and adore the Lord. Today a great light has come upon the earth. Alleluia!
Jn 1: 14 The Word became flesh and lived among us, and we saw his glory, the glory as of an only-begotten Son of the Father, full of grace and truth.
Image by geralt from Pixabay
Homily Studio podcast
Listen to the Homily Studio for a conversation on this weeks’ scripture readings. The podcast is available at this link from Monday 19 December.
Listen to the carol Christmas Night HERE
Christmas Night is also the name of the album of more beautiful Carols of the Nativity sung by the Cambridge Singers and conducted by John Rutter. You might like to listen to more at this link.