World Day of Prayer for Vocations
"Called to sow seeds of hope and to build peace.” Pope Francis' Message 2024
Every year the World Day of Prayer for Vocations falls on the Fourth Sunday in Easter time - Good Shepherd Sunday. We see in Jesus, the Good Shepherd, the heart of every calling. Everyone is called, and everyone has a vocation in the Church.
The purpose of World Day of Prayer for Vocations is to publicly fulfil the Lord's instruction to, "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into his harvest" (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2).
“No vocation is born of itself or lives for itself. A vocation flows from the heart of God and blossoms in the good soil of faithful people.” Pope Francis.
Pope Francis message for World Day of Prayer for Vocations HERE
Readings for the Fourth Sunday of Easter
Acts 4:8-12 This is the only name by which we can be saved.
Ps 117:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28-29 R. The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone.
1 Jn 3:1-2 We shall see God as he is.
Alleluia, alleluia! I am the good shepherd says the Lord; I know my sheep, and mine know me. Alleluia.
John 10:11-18 The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep.
Reflect on the Scriptures
Homily Studio podcast for a 30-minute conversation about the scriptures for the Fourth Sunday of Easter HERE
Prayer of the Faithful
Invocation: E te Ariki … Response: Whakarongo mai rā ki a mātou
For young women and men: That God may give them the gift of understanding to discern their service in the Church, to be pilgrims of hope and builders of peace. Grant them the gift of courage to follow His call. E te Ariki …
For young people: to leave indifference behind and have the courage to commit to caring lovingly for those around us, in every place where we live. E te Ariki …
This is National Vocations Awareness Week 21-27 April 2024
Seeking more information about a vocation to the priesthood or religious life?
Visit your Diocesan Office website for more information.
Vocation – a call to love
The word vocation comes from the Latin vocare – to call. Catholic understanding of a vocation is linked to this idea of calling, especially a calling from God…
The idea of a vocation has up until now, been rather restrictive in its definition. All vocations, regardless of definition require discernment – a decision making process that involves talking to God as well as examining what it is in the proposed way of life that brings us joy and consolation – the Ignatian term for bringing us closer to God …
Overall, vocation is a call to love – to give of oneself in a loving way. To follow the commandment of Jesus to love God and to love each other, despite the risk of disappointment or hurt. How we choose to do that is what each of us need to explore and discern.
Jesus himself recognises this when he says to some of his disciples “What are you looking for?” And then invites them to “Come and see.” (Jn 1:38-39)
Extracts from a longer article ‘Vocation – A call to love’ by Bridget Taumoepeau, pastoral mentor, Launch Out programme, published in 'Launch Out Letters - April Edition.' Available on the Wellington Archdiocese website.

Christ the Good Shepherd